EP 3: 22 Ad Angles To Use In Your Social Ads
Leah: Hey, this is Leah and
you're listening to ads with
Leah, a paid social podcast.
This podcast provides creative
first digital advertising education
for impact driven businesses and
marketers who care more about
quality than they do about quantity.
Stay tuned to learn how to make
amazing ads that help you reach
the right people and attract
and engage your ideal audience.
Hi there, leah here.
And in this episode, I'm going to be
sharing 22 ad angles that I use all
the time in my advertising for clients.
The ad angle is the unique spin or
hook that you put on your messaging to
keep it fresh and relevant, and also
to help it attract different people
because different people are going
to resonate with different angles.
If you've tested Facebook ads and
you found it, hasn't worked for you.
Or you've run your ads for awhile
and you run the same ads and they
kind of got stale or stagnated, often
coming up with new angles and new
messaging you can use in your ads is
a great way to bring something like
fresh and new into your campaign that
can help your ads perform better.
In this episode, I'm going
to be sharing 22 ad angles.
I'm also going to be sharing a
lot of examples of how you can use
these angles and examples of ad copy
that I've seen either from ads that
I've been targeted with or ads I've
found in the Facebook ad library.
So that it can help you
understand how to use the angles.
I find that examples always really help
me to understand something a lot better.
So I hope that those examples are helpful.
The first angle is saving money.
So speaking to the financial
value that the product gives them.
This can either be cost savings compared
to the price of the competitors product.
Or the money that they'll save in
the future from using the product.
For example, tide laundry
detergent ran an ad that says,
"take the pledge to turn to cold.
You could save some trees and up to
$100 a year on your energy bill".
So they're letting you know, that
you could save money on your energy
bill from using their products.
So even though the, the cost of the
product isn't necessarily low, it
can save you money in other ways.
I saw an ad from staples that
said, "keep your team prepared
with everyday low prices".
So that's kind of just like a
general blanket statement that
they're making about their store,
that they've got low prices.
Another ad I saw from Noom which is
an app that helps people lose weight.
The copy said "a four month
program with Noom costs about
the same as a new pair of shoes.
Don't you think that's worth
the life-changing results?"
So they are kind of quantifying
the cost of the program by
comparing it to something else
that their audience might buy.
Angle number two is saving time.
So how will your product
save your audience time?
Try to be specific with this.
So for example, file your
taxes in 20 minutes or less.
I saw an ad from the Wealthsimple
app, which helps people buy
stocks or invest in stocks.
And the copy said "the fastest way
to buy and sell stocks in Canada.
Invest in the stock
market in five minutes".
So I really liked that they
have that number there.
Five minutes.
It's very specific.
And let's, you know, that this
is going to be a really quick
and easy thing to set up.
So for both of these two angles,
the saving money and saving time.
I really recommend, again, sharing
specific numbers on how much time
or money the audience will save.
You can share an example or a case study
of a customer who has saved time or money.
Or compare the cost of your
product to an equivalent purchase.
Like with the Noom example.
Or you could compare the time-savings with
what else the audience could be doing.
So for example, in less than the
time it takes for you to get dressed
in the morning or whatever it is.
Almost always with ad copy, the
more specific and tangible you can
make something the more powerful
your copy is and your messaging is.
Angle number three is convenience or ease.
Focusing on how simple or easy your
product makes life for your customers.
For example, I saw an ad from an app
called Injury Map and the copy side,
"the injury map app treats muscle and
joint pain with simple at-home video
exercises that anyone can follow".
So saying it's simple doing at home.
Anyone can follow it.
Just making it sound really simple and
easy because often an objection to.
Using a product or buying a product could
be that it might seem really complicated.
Another ad I saw for a website,
I believe it's a video editing
service called promo.com.
It says "creating video content for your
business used to be hard and expensive
until now with promos professional
video templates, you can create
your own winning videos in minutes".
So making it sound really
easy, really simple.
Angle number four is social proof.
This is a very, very common angle.
And I definitely recommend
testing this out if you have it.
And just as a reminder, you can also layer
multiple angles on top of each other.
And this is one that I
definitely recommend layering
in, in your ad messaging.
So social proof capitalizes on our desire
to fit in and to want to be like others.
It often comes in the form of
testimonials, reviews, user
generated content, or data
such as number of customers.
For example, you could say you've had
over 250 5-star reviews on your product.
You could include a testimonial
from a happy customer.
You could say something like, for
example, this app, Moshi, which says
in their ad copy, "join the millions of
parents using audio stories to help their
little ones wind down and drift off".
So they're saying enjoying the
millions of parents there, they're
basically implying that millions
of parents are already using this.
And so that kind of gives it that bit
of extra social proof that lots of
people are using this and loving it.
So it makes it more legitimate
and like something that you
might want to check out too.
There was an ad that I saw from.
I believe it's a knife company
called Misen and their ad said,
"why did 13,000 people back this
unique knife on Kickstarter?"
So by saying they've been backed by
13,000 people on Kickstarter, that's a
form of social proof that they're using.
Douglas mattress company says,
"20,000 plus Canadian sleep better
every night with their mattress".
The fact that they used the word
Canadians, instead of just saying
20,000 plus people makes it even
more relevant to the audience.
We want to be like people who we feel
are like us and because I'm a Canadian,
this ad was targeted towards Canadians.
They're saying 20,000 plus people
like you, or in your demographic in
the same country, use this product.
So it makes it feel even more relatable.
You can also add social proof in
the form of customer testimonials.
Whether that is written text from your
customers, or even better, if you can
get a video of your customers talking
about how much they like the product
that can add a lot of legitimacy and
help people trust your product more.
Another example, I saw social proof in
an ad was for the meal prep box company.
Hello fresh.
They included in their ad that they
were voted America's number one meal
kit for the third year in a row.
So they included an award that they'd
gotten essentially in the ad is
basically like an image of the, of like
a ribbon that they got for being voted.
America's number one meal kit.
So to use social proof, there's
a lot of different ways to do it.
Like I said, reviews, testimonials,
user generated content, sharing
customer numbers, for example,
over 50,000 happy customers.
Sharing customer case studies, examples,
awards you've won, anything like
that is how you can take advantage of
the social proof angle in your ads.
Angle number five is borrowed trust.
So you can borrow a trust from
influencers, celebrities, media
outlets, or other brands or
even from authority figures.
So for example, saying nine out of 10
dentists use this toothpaste or whatever.
An example of this is an ad
I saw from Hotjar, which had
three different company logos.
So HubSpot, unbounce and envision.
And they said, these brands love
Hotjar and they have like a little
heart around Hotjar and the founders
of the brands and the images as well.
So for people who are marketers--
Hotjar is a marketing software.
For people who are marketers,
they're going to know these other
companies and it's going to add a
lot of legitimacy for their audience
to see that these other companies
trust and use the Hotjar software.
Another example of borrowed trust
that I saw was an app called bloom
and their copy says bloom is an app
recommended by leading therapists.
Another example that I saw was
from the Kilne knife company.
And they were running ads from a
chef's Instagram account and by
running ads through her account
and you featuring her in their ads.
They're borrowing trust from
this well-known chef to help
to market their product.
Another example of borrowed trust is
using media outlets or anything like that.
An example of an ad from calm,
which is an app company, similar
to Headspace, it has meditation.
In their ad copy they mentioned that
they were the 2018 trend of the year
from apple and the 2017 iPhone app of the
year from apple.
So to use this angle, you can share
media attention you've gotten, you can
share well known customers or clients,
you can partner with influencers or
experts in your space, or you could
even just mention authority figures
that would recommend your product.
Angle number six is
focusing on the features.
So features aren't the reason that
we buy typically the benefits are.
But features help us to back up
our purchase decision with logic.
So adding features into into your
ad can help sway the fence sitters.
This is another one, similar to
social social proof that I recommend
really layering with other angles as.
As well, but Adding an a list of
the product features can help
your ad copy to be even stronger.
So, for example, I saw an ad from Flourish
pancake mix, which is a DTC company
and they have in their ad they have
a list of basically all the features.
It says 23 grams of protein, no added
sugars, superfoods seven grams of fiber.
So there's just like, kind
of like a bullet list.
And this is a really common thing that
is done in ad copy is having like the
copy and then having a few bullets
often done with the bullets are emojis.
And there's just like a few of
the, the main features there
so that it's, it's bulleted.
It's skimmable.
It's easy to read.
And people can easily see kind of what
the main features are for your product.
Another example was a haircare product.
I saw that had bullets
that said made in Canada.
Silicone and sulfate-free
dermatologist tested and approved
over 2 million bottles shipped.
So they've got.
Those kind of main selling points there.
Another example is a
product called bird buddy.
I think it's a camera you put on
your bird feeder and the bullets say
notifies you of feathered visitors.
I identify as a thousand plus birds
species captures photos and videos.
So they've got those
features listed there.
So to use this angle, again, as I
mentioned, I recommend also making
sure that you're communicating
your benefit really clearly,
in addition to the features.
Using emojis as bullets is a
common, fun way to share the list.
I don't recommend making
the list too long.
Usually three bullets, maybe five max.
Angle number seven is
timeliness or a seasonality.
Tie your offer two, a season, a holiday
or something else going on in the world
to encourage your audience to take
action soon because it feels relevant.
An example of this is an ad that I saw
for Kleenex, where they were advertising
kleenexes for Canadian allergy season.
So they have an image with like some
flowers and the sneezing emoji there
and so they're tying their product
into the seasonality of allergy season.
Kleenex is a product that
people likely by year round.
But they're trying to make their
messaging timely and make it
feel really relevant for what the
audience's going through currently.
Another example of this is a
smoothie company that says " with
this wonderful warm weather.
It's great to start the day with a
refreshing and healthy breakfast".
The image is just like a beautiful
summer day with a smoothie.
So just really just making it feel nice
and summery and making it feel timely and
relevant to people's lives at the moment.
Allbirds run an an ad that said leap
into summer with shoes made from trees.
Again, with a pretty summery
photo of their shoes.
So even if your product is something
that can be used all year round.
I think it's fun and interesting
for the audience to have messaging
that feels really relevant.
The honey Chrome extension ran an ad that
said, upgrade your backyard on a budget.
Here's how.
And the headline in the ad is you don't
want to shop for spring without this tool.
So honey, the honey Chrome
extension finds coupon codes for
you when you're shopping online.
And so again, it could be used all
year round, but they're spinning it
into making it feel really relevant
for spring because they're talking
about upgrading your backyard and
talking about shopping for spring.
so they're making it feel really
relevant and this makes the product
feel a bit more urgent I think.
It makes the audience feel like it's
more relevant to purchase that right now.
One last example for this
angle is one that I really
liked from practice ignition.
Practice ignition is a software company
that primarily targets accountants.
They have this ad that says
there is no off season.
And then there, I don't know if
it's going towards a blog post or a
webinar or something, but it's all
about strategies, um, for having year
round revenue outside of tax season.
So even though it's it's the
off season for this software
company and their audience.
They're still taking advantage of
that fact, and still having really
relevant and timely messaging.
To use this angle, match your message
to the seasons and the weather.
Mention holidays or timely world
events, or do like practice ignition
did and use an off season as an angle
too, even if it feels like your product
might not necessarily be relevant to
what's currently happening right now.
For example, say your product is only
really relevant in summer, you could
still find a way to kind of create a
unique spin for the off season as well.
Angle number eight is
tying it into a trend.
So you can capitalize on something
that's trending or popular right now
to allow your product to piggyback
on the popularity of that trend.
An example of this is the calm app.
Which I mentioned earlier, they ran an ad
featuring a game of Thrones star Jerome
Flynn who will read to you I think a sleep
story to help you go to sleep in the app.
And so they're capitalizing on
the popularity of game of Thrones
to try to make game of Thrones
fans interested in the calm app.
To use this angle mentioned things
that are popular in pop culture.
Like TV shows, movies you could also tie
it into health trends that are happening.
So for example, mindfulness
is a bit of a trend.
Keto was a trend for awhile, and
try to keep your finger on the
pulse of your industry so that
you can spot new trends quickly.
And take advantage of them.
And goal number nine is cause related.
Whether it's environmentally
sustainable products, or you give
a percentage of profits to charity,
this angle helps people feel
good about their decision to buy.
So for example, There's an ad I saw
for organic basics that says TENCEL
is an eco-friendly material made
with responsibly sourced wood pulp.
These are everyday essentials that
feel soft and smooth against your skin.
So they're talking about how it's
eco-friendly as responsibly sourced.
What I think is really important
about this ad is that second sentence.
Where they mentioned that it's
everyday essentials and then it feels
soft and smooth against your skin.
I really think that whenever you're taking
an angle that is cause related, you also
need to make sure that you're emphasizing
the benefit of the product as well.
Because people don't buy a product,because
it goes towards a good cause.
Think for example, if they were
advertising say a yoga mat and you
don't practice yoga in that case.
It really doesn't matter if the yoga
mat is environmentally friendly.
If you don't practice yoga, you're
not going to buy that right?
You don't buy a product for the fact that
it supports a cause you buy it first and
foremost because you need the product.
And then that cause, or the sustainability
of it is a secondary thing that might push
you off the fence to want to purchase.
But that main benefit, I think it's
really important to make sure that you're
also communicating that whenever you're
using any kind of cause related angle.
Unless this is an ad that's going
towards really, really warm audiences,
like people who have added to cart.
In which case they're probably
already familiar with their product.
They already want it and so in that
case, it might be less important.
Number 10 is using a
promotion or a special offer.
People love a good sale or promotion.
Just be careful about training
your customers to wait for sales.
I'm not a huge fan of having huge
discounts on your store, especially
if you're doing it because you need
the revenue or you need a bit of
a cash injection in your business.
I think it is dangerous to potentially
teach your customers that they can wait
and you will have a sale like that.
But this promotion or special offer
it could be for free shipping, it
could be for a free gift that they
might get at that time, or it could be
any promotion, that you're running.
It doesn't necessarily even have
to be a time-based promotion.
Any offer that you have could
be framed as a great deal.
So for examples for this, I mean
the copy is pretty self-explanatory
sign up and get 50% off.
use code fall 50 to get
your first box for just $25.
Buy two pairs get $50
off that kind of thing.
Angle number 11 is using a local angle.
So focusing on a local aspect
to the audience that makes the
product feel more relevant to them.
So for example, the
Douglas mattress company.
They have focused on saying
Douglas is Canada's mattress.
And they use a lot of Canadian flags.
the Endy mattress company does
this as well, really focusing on
the fact that it's locally made
and that it is a Canadian product.
Another example of this is
Allbirds in their advertising.
They often say local
shipping from Toronto.
So they let you know that it
is shipped out from Canada.
They're letting you know that
you know, it's, it's local,
it's shipped out from here.
You're probably not going to have
a huge wait time, which is a bonus.
And I think people just like things that
are, are local because it feels relevant.
it feels like there are,
you know, supporting their
own economy and, so it's.
It's often something that
resonates with people.
Another tactic I've used with this is
even breaking it down city by city.
And including the city
name in the ad copy.
This is obviously it's a
lot of work to break it out.
I only really use it if we're
only targeting like a few cities
or like a smaller geographic
area, it can work really well.
And again, it just makes it feel
even more relevant when it's
super hyper-local like that.
So to use this angle, you'll
create separate local campaigns
for that kind of messaging.
You can emphasize where the product
was made or where it was founded
or where it was created, or for
physical products mentioned that it
ships locally, like the Allbirds ad.
People will be more likely to order
if they feel shipping, time will be
quicker, so that can help as well.
Angle number 12 is scarcity, so this
can be limited product supply or a
limited time offer for a promotion.
I really don't recommend creating
false scarcity, but if your product
legitimately only has a certain amount of
availability, then this can be a really
good angle to add a bit of extra urgency
for your audience to want to purchase.
An example of this is HelloFresh, which
in one of their ads said for a limited
time, get 12 free meals across four boxes,
including free shipping on your first box.
And ad says, don't miss
out this week only.
So they're running like
a limited time promotion.
Another example of this.
Is the shoe company Vessi.
In one of their ads they wrote,
we're back after selling six
months worth of inventory in only
one month, we are restocked and
ready for your next adventure.
So they're not actually mentioning
any scarcity here, but they've
mentioned that they previously sold
six months of inventory in one month.
So they're kind of implying
the possibility that they
might sell out again.
And I think that likely adds some
scarcity and, and encourages people to
want to purchase before they sell out.
Again, it also obviously adds social proof
because they, they sold out so much so
obviously their product is in high demand.
Other copy for this is saying
things like limited time offer
and making it feel like the offers
only available for a limited time.
So to you use this angle you can mention
that the product has previously sold out.
Mention an end date for a special deal
or promotion, mention limited product
availability, for example, saying only
so many in-stock or only so many spots
available at the event or whatever it is.
Angle number 13 is risk-free so
mentioning a free trial or a money back
guarantee to inform your customer that
there's no risk for them to try you out.
So copy that reflects this might say
try it risk-free with our 30 day money
back guarantee and free shipping.
Or another ad that I saw for a
mattress company said that they
have a risk-free 100 night trial.
Angle number 14 is exclusivity.
Make your customers feel like
they're part of a special group
that has access to your product.
For example, an ad I saw from Tim
Ferris said every Friday, I send
out an exclusive email with the five
coolest things I've found that week.
So he goes into more detail in
the ad about how it's exclusive
and everything, but he is, he is
mentioning, you know, he's taking
the angle that this is an exclusive
thing that you can only get access
to if you sign up for his email list.
Another ad that I saw for this kind
of exclusive angle that I thought
was really smart is from CXL.
So they are a marketing blog
and educational website.
They've got training programs
that you can learn from.
And they ran a campaign that
I really liked that said.
"Not everyone is ready for
our Institute programs.
Think you can handle them?"
And then the image for the ad
creative is a testimonial that says
"the advanced GTM program was too
difficult for me" with one star rating.
So they are taking this angle of like,
it's really only like the best of
the best who can take these programs.
Another ad copy from this same
campaign said "sick of being average?
To be the best you need
to learn from the pros."
So they're really positioning
their programs as training
courses for the best of the best.
Another one, just one more
from this campaign said "there
are easier training platforms.
There are also participation
trophies and no tie shoe laces".
So they're really advertising this as you
know, this is kind of exclusive because
only the world's top marketers can
actually make it through these programs.
And this is, this is where the
best of the best go to get trained
is what they're trying to say.
So, how do you use this angle?
Mention the specific group the
offers for so saying like only for
people who are serious about taking
their fitness to the next level.
Or, you can say this offer
is only for you if...
and then whatever.
By making it feel exclusive, There's
always people that are going to
find that really attractive and
want to get an on that exclusivity.
Angle number 15 is comparison.
So by comparing your product to another
product or company, this helps give people
a frame of reference to quickly understand
what you're about, so we really recommend
this for top of funnel ads in particular.
If you have a new product and
you're not sure how to communicate
what your product does in a
really simple, quick and easy way.
So a common example of this is when
people say this is "Uber for X industry"
or the "Netflix of X industry".
An example of this is an ad I saw for
likewise and the copy said, "likewise
is like a dating app, but for books".
So they're saying it's, it's
like this, but for this.
So they're comparing it to something else.
Another ad I saw was for a supplement
company that I believe this supplement
helps you fall asleep because the ad
says "like melatonin, but better".
So they're comparing it to something
else in order to help communicate
better what their product is.
Angle number 16 is a transformation.
So think about who your customers will
become once they purchase your product.
And add from the bloom app says
"become mentally Bulletproof".
An ad from an app called
Curio says "become the most
interesting person in the room".
And add from MindValley says
"wondering how you can be more
like the world's happiest people?"
so all of these ads, this ad copy is
focused on helping people to become
someone different and become a more
idealized version of themselves.
So that is an angle that you
can take with your marketing to.
Angle number 17 is making your
product feel really personalized or
custom.We as consumers love to know
how things relate specifically to us.
So if you explain how a component of
your product is completely custom or
personalized, that can help sell it.
For example, there was an ad I saw
for Invisalign that had, it was
for an app that you can download
and it says, "take a selfie and see
what your smile could look like.
Download the my Invisalign app now."
So they're making it really
personalized, really custom.
Here's what you could look
like if you had Invisalign.
So by making it custom, personalized,
really relevant to the audience
they're going to have a much
easier time selling Invisalign.
An ad I saw for an app called
Fitbod said, "personalized
strength, training powered by AI".
So, and then in the ad creative
there's, some copy in the image
that says, you know, you'll get your
personalized workout of the day.
So they're making it
sound really personalized.
They're saying AI will
personalize this for you.
An ad from Ipsy, which is a subscription
box for makeup products, says "your
unique beauty is our obsession.
That's why we'll send you
five personalized products
every month for just $10".
So they're saying it's personalized
and you have your unique beauty.
It's personalized to you.
To meet people feel like it's, it's more
specific to them and they're not just
going to get a bag of random makeup.
It's personalized, it's custom.
A similar example was an ad I saw for
the Frank and Oak subscription box.
It says, "tell us your style goals.
Our stylists will personalize
your style plan to fit your
preferences, budget, and taste".
So making it sound really personalized
for people and like they're going
to get something that really
matches exactly what they need.
Angle number 18 is the
incredible technology angle.
So focus on the technology
behind the product.
This angle is especially powerful.
If the technology is unique or
revolutionary in some way, so
I have an example of an ad from
Lululemon here that says "the new
take form yoga mat by Lululemon
has innovative 3d alignment cues.
So you can see and feel
where to place your body."
So they're focusing on selling the
yoga mat by emphasizing that the
technology on the mat, like the
actual ridges in the mat and they're
calling them 3d alignment cues.
So really making it
sound technical and cool.
There was an ad I saw for a company
that does hiring, I believe.
And the ad copy says "based on science.
A free digital and personalized
program that provides the guidance
and training you'll need to
properly tackle your job search".
And the ad looks, it looks very
scientific and really seems like
they're trying to focus on the
science behind their algorithm.
Another example of this that you'll see
commonly is as the talk about, you know,
revolutionizing that industry or that
niche that they're in or anything that
focuses on kind of the new technology.
Angle number 19 is the
new way of doing things.
So, this is when you talk about
the old way versus the new way.
There was an ad that I saw for OralB
that was talking about electric
toothbrushes and it showed a video
of a horse and a buggy and said
"you're not still driving this".
And then it showed a guy with a
regular toothbrush and it says, "so
why are you still brushing with this?"
And then the copy says, "get with the
times and get a superior clean from
the oral B genius electric toothbrush".
So they're comparing the
old way to the new way.
Another ad I saw was for, I think
it's a bee's wax food wrap and it says
"the future of food storage is here.
Say goodbye to sandwich bags, plastic
wrap, and bulky storage containers".
So it's saying, you know,
those are the old way.
The new way is this new type of wrapping.
Another example of this is from Oribi,
which is an analytics platform and they
in their marketing really emphasize Google
analytics is the old way to do things.
There, you know, calling
out their competitor.
And saying, this is the old way
where the new way get with the times.
Another example, implying this message
is from Noom and they said "psychologists
have reinvented weight loss".
So saying that this kind of like,
New revolutionary this angle kind
of relates to the previous one the
newer technology revolutionary kind of
changing the way we're doing things.
Both of these angles
kind of relate to that.
Another angle that's really similar to
this that you can take is basically just
us versus them or ours versus theirs And
doing kind of a side-by-side comparison of
your product with the competitors as well.
Angle number 20 is a
hyper-specific benefit.
so get very specific on the
benefit that your product has.
My favorite example of this is
the honey chrome extensions so i
mentioned them earlier, they help
you find coupon codes as you're
browsing the web and shopping online.
So the benefits that the company
gives you is that you save money when
you're shopping but their ads get very
specific into what you'll save money on.
So they have ads Specifically
for saving money at sephora and
ads for saving money on nike and
ads for saving money at best buy.
And they get really specific Into
these individual stores that you can
save money at and in doing so they're
making the benefit feel really specific
and really relevant i've mentioned
specificity and relevance a few times
Throughout this episode because like
i mentioned before The more relevant
something feels to the audience and
the more specific it is for them the
more powerful your copy is going to be.
Angle 21 is focusing first on a
problem take the problem that your
product solves And really kind of
agitate that problem in your ad.
An example of this is an ad i saw for a
company that sells a box for you to put
your all your cords in for your computer.
And the first line is "cords aren't
ever going to look good Get them
out of sight with the cord box".
The image and the video starts
with like an ugly tangle of cords.
so they are really emphasizing the
problem that people have and then
introducing their product as the solution.
Another example of this is an ad i saw for
someone selling Iphone photography school.
And the ad talks about how
annoying it is to carry around
a giant camera all the time.
So that's kind of like the problem
that they help someone solve.
Lastly angle number 22 is
to overcome an objection.
Of course a lot of the angles that i've
talked about will help you to overcome
objections, for example the saving
time Angle might help you overcome
an objection from someone who thinks
something is going to take a lot of time
so there's definitely overlap between
a lot of these angles but this one
is to think of a common objection that
you're seeing a lot especially i would
recommend using this if you're really
noticing something that's coming up a
lot and it's causing a lot of friction
with your sales so You can address
this objection head on with your ad.
An example of this i saw was an ad that
said "my 62 year old mother learned
how to do a handstand with this course
and so can you" so I think that does a
great job of overcoming the objection
of like "oh this isn't going to work for
me it's only for someone who's already
kind of fit or strong or whatever" so
by saying like my 62 year old mother
can do this So you can do it too.
Another ad i saw was for an online
platform to learn how to dance And the
copy says "learn how to dance at home at
your own pace without getting judged" so
often overcoming an objection comes In the
form of the copy saying "get x without y"
so learn to dance without getting judged.
So the objection here is people might
want to learn to dance but they're scared
of going to an actual dance class they
might be super new they don't want to
look silly so this ad saying learn how
to do this Get what you want without
the thing that you're afraid of so
learn to dance without getting judged.
Another example of this from Hotjar says
the best way to understand how users are
really experiencing your site without
drowning in numbers and then the copy
on the video says the fast and visual
way to know your users so they're really
emphasizing the fact that you can Get
an understanding of your users without
a bunch of numbers and without having
to like analyze so i feel like this ad
really helps to overcome the objection of
feeling afraid of just having like a data
puke of a bunch of numbers and not knowing
how to analyze it because it says It's a
fast and visual way to know your users.
Another example of this was a campaign
i saw from Noom where they had a quite
a few ads running with different quotes
from their users that overcame objections
so for example one of them said "i tried
every fad diet out there nothing worked.
With Noom i've lost 30 pounds".
So they're probably trying to overcome
the objection here of you know i've
tried everything nothing's worked
for me so why would this work for me.
Another one is "i don't
walk 10,000 steps a day.
With Noom i lost 10 pounds" So that's
overcoming the objection of well i'm
not very active I don't walk a lot
or whatever and so they're saying
you can still you can still lose
the weight without Walking a bunch.
So they're overcoming that objection
in that way So Again a few copy kind of
formulas that you can use for this is
get x without y Or how to get x even if..
Something so how to learn how
to handstand even if you're
not in shape or whatever it is.
All right that brings us to
the end of our 22 ad angles.
I Really hope this was helpful for you.
I personally find this list super helpful
for me whenever i am working on a client
ad account and I am feeling like I just
want to do a big brainstorm of different
angles different ways of thinking
about it different ways to position the
product and the messaging and the ads.
Especially if you know something's not
working with a client or something i
find that just going through this And
trying to come up with How i would
use this angle for the clients or
the product that i'm trying to sell.
I find that a really really helpful
exercise even if i'm not going to use
all of them, but just brainstorming and
trying to think about it differently i
find is a really good exercise to get
those Creative ideas flowing and come
up with some new ideas for ad creative.
Thanks for listening to this episode of
the podcast and i'll see you next time