Grow your audience and income with Facebook (Meta) Ads. Learn the art of making great ads, and how to master your messaging through paid social advertising.
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Latest Episodes
EP 7: Behind The Scenes Of 10 Years Of Building My Business
It's my 10 year business anniversary! To celebrate I wanted to share how I spent the last 10 years getting my business to where it is today. I share how I got my first...

EP 6: How to Speak Your Customers' Language With Katie Momo
In this episode I chat with Katie Momo, a copywriter and marketing strategist, on how to interview your customers to discover their desires, problems, language, and mo...

EP 5: Why Ad Creative is the Best Form of Targeting with Charley the Disrupter
In this episode I chat with Charley the Disrupter, a long-time Facebook advertising strategist, about why your ad creative really is the best form of targeting.

EP 4: How To Measure and Test Video Ad Hooks with Anze Markovic
Today I'm chatting with Anze Markovic, a creative strategist, about video hooks, hook testing, and how to measure the effective of your paid social video ads.

EP 3: 22 Ad Angles To Use In Your Social Ads
In this episode I'm sharing 22 different angles that you can use to sell your product in your advertising.